the artist would like share some excerpts from her favorite readings--
__________________________ "gleanings" by dr.gilfernandez
.... "Let us now briefly consider one of God's attributes, His eternity. How long is "eternal"? Someone
said that if you imagine that this world is a ball of steel, then you may in some small way understand eternity to some extent
. Now, suppose that once every 1,000 years a big bird would visit this planet and touch its bill lightly on our
world. After zillions of millenniums this ball of steel would hardly show a dent on its surface. And after this world
have been completely worn out due to the bird's slight touch once in every millennium, then eternity has just begun!
The concept of the eternity of the future is mind-boggling enough. How about its
concomitant, the eternity of the past? There is no time---however far you may go into the distant past---when God did not
exist. He has no beginning at all. "From everlasting (eternity of the past) to everlasting (eternity of the future),
thou art God." God has always existed! There was no time when he was not. That there will be no end to His existence, that
I can understand to some extent. But that He had no beginning at all is simlpy beyond me.
We can think of that concept until we are blue in the face, and we will never fully understand
it. If that can be grasped by our puny minds, then well may Albert Einstein explain his theory of relativity to
a new-born baby!
No wonder Melanchthon, the co-founder of Luther, said that God is not to be investigated
as an object of study, but only to be reverently adored and worshiped."
"sparks from the anvil" by e.e cleveland
For every cause there is a corresponding effect. Though a given cause may precedes its ultimate effect by decades, it will
come as inevitable as sunrise. Nothing in life is lost.