" In the end, probably, the training is the answer to a great many things. You can do a lot if you are
properly trained." ---Queen Elizabeth II Jane Nov.2004
Far Eastern University IARFA Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts Nicanor Reyes Jr. St. Sampaloc Manila, Philippines
Course Syllabus General Information Course Title
: Advertising Design 1 CourseCode : ADV DES 1
Rm :
610 IARFA bldg. Class Sched : TF 4:30 -7:30 pm Course
Description The study covers a proposal for an advertising campaign for a product, service,idea(logo or
package design), institution (government and private agencies) using different mediums (media) to reach the
target market. Involving research, analysis of information and data gathering, problem solving, development of objectives
and strategies, media planning, budgeting, conclusion and recommendation translated in the book form. Course
Objectives General Objectives 1. To focus students on a major project like an advertising campaign
proposal to demonstrate their command on what they have learned. 2. To produce by the end of the term a
proposal for a workable advertising camapaign either about a product, service, an idea (logo or package design) or programs
and projects about an institution. Specific Objectives 1. To provide the students with knowledge and skills
in advertsing research, problem solving/strategy development, writing the proposal and presenting it. 2. To orient the
student of the market dynamics necessary to an analysis of the proposed advertisng campaign. 3. To be able to generate
in the student improved decision making and better communacation skills. 4. To develop in the student knowledge in planning,
exploration and utilization of a broad range of media, techniques and technology in the launching of advertising campaign.
5. To improve the student competency and skills in the presentation techniques. Content Outline
1. Subject background and description/orientation 2. Introduction to Advertising Research:
a. Definition of Terms b. Research methods and procedure c. Classification of
research d. Methods of reserach e. Source of Information 3. The Thesis Format
4. Selection of Product, services, or company 5. Writing of letter of request 6. Formulation of questionnaire
7. Interview process 8. Analysis and evaluationof data/information 9. Setting marketing and advetising goals and
objectives 10. Development of creative strategy 11. Writing of the Campaign Proposal 12. Review and Presentation
Classroom Activities/Tasks: -Lecture/demonstration -Brainstorming -Consultation -Research -Reports
-Analysing, classifying, editing, and writing of the Campaign Proposal -Review, presentation, and submission of the
proposal in the book form Related Learning Expeirence: 1. Reading books and journals, magazines, and newspapers
on advertising 2. Watching and listening and observing to commercials on print, broadcast, outdoor, and other media 3.
Visiting malls, supermarkets, galleries, and trade exhibits 4. Attending/participating in lectures, seminars, and workshops about
Advertising, and how it works. Suggested References: 1. Methods of research and thesis writing by
Jose F. Calderon and Expectation Gonzasles 2. Advertisng Research: Theory and Practice by Joel J. Davies 3. Successful
Advertising Research Methods by Jack Haskem 4. How to write successful Advertising Plan by James W. Taylor 5. Advertisng
Creativity: Techniques of Generating Ideas by James L Marra 6. Strategy in Advertsing by Leo Bogart 7. Contemporary
Advertising by William Arens and Courtland L. Bovee Evaluation -Reaserch -Consultation -Periodic
Exams -Reports -Draft Thesis -Presentation -Final Campaign Proposal(Book form) The Book Format
Title Page....................................................l Approval Sheet...........................................ll
(Addressed to Adviser and to the Dean) Aknowledgement......................................lll Dedication..................................................lV
Abstract.......................................................V Table of Contents.....................................Vl
List of Illustration/s...................................Vll List of Appendices....................................Vlll
Chapter 1- Introduction 1.1 Title 1.2 Introduction 1.3 Statement
of the Problem 1.4 Significance of the Study 1.5 Scope and Delimitation of the
Study 1.6 Limitation of the Study 1.7 Research Design and Methodology 1.8
Definition of Terms Chapter 2- Review of Related Literature Chapter 3- Situation Analysis 3.1
Company Background 3.1.1 Company History
3.1.2 Company Mission and Vision/ Corporate Philosophy 3.1.3 Organizational
Structure 3.2 Product Profile 3.2.1 Tangible
3.2.2 Intangible 3.3 Price Profile (Comparative) 3.4 Place Profile 3.5 Promotional Profile 3.6
People Profile ( Target Market ) 3.6.1 Demographics
3.6.2 Psychographics 3.7 Market Analysis 3.7.1 Socio-cultural Variables
3.7.2 Technological Varaibles 3.7.3 Economic Variables (Sales Trends)
3.7.4 Political-Legal Variables 3.7.5 Competitve Variables 3.8 SWOT (Strenghts, Weakness,
Opportunities, Threats) 3.9 Competitve Analysis Chapter 4- Campaign Proposal 4.1 Marketing 4.1.1 Objectives
4.1.2 Strategies 4.2 Advertising 4.2.1 Objectives
4.2.2 Strategies 4.3 Creative 4.3.1 Objectives
4.2.1 Strategies 4.4 Media 4.4.1 Objectives 4.4.2 Strategies
Chapter 5- Media Plan and Budget 5.1 Newspaper Ad 5.1.1 Type of
Ad: Newspaper:
Size of Ad: Cost/Ad:
Total Cost: ---Total Newspaper Ad Cost:
5.2. Magazine Ad 5.2.1 Type of Ad:
Magazine Issue Date:
Size of Ad: Cost/Ad: Schedule:
Total Cost: ---Total magazine
Ad Cost
5.3 Television Commercial 5.3.1 Type of Ad:
Title of Ad: Title of TV Show:
Time Slot: Cost/30s: (or apply
the prpoposed length of TVC) Frequency:
Schedule: Total Cost: Totoal
Televsion Commercial Cost:
5.4 Radio Commercial 5.4.1
Type of Ad: Title of Radio show/station:
Title of TV Show: Time Slot:
Cost/30s: (or apply the prpoposed length of RC)
Frequency: Cost/Episode:
Schedule: Total Cost:
Total Radio Commercial Cost:
5.5 Outdoor Advertising
5.5.1 Bilboard Number:
To be Continued....
Far Eastern University Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts (IARFA)
Course Syllabus General Information Course Title ------ Advertising
Design ll CourseCode------ ADV DES 24 Section------------ FA
42 Rm------------------- 704 IARFA bldg. Class Sched----- TF
4-7 Term---------------- 2nd Sem CY 2007-2008 Course Description
Advertising Design ll (Thesis Production) is focused on the construction and visualization in the development
of a comprehensive advertising campaign, based on the study of the course ADV DES l (Thesis Research). Course
Objectives General Objectives At the of the semester, the students are expected to: 1. develop
professionalism and expertise necessary to be successful in the world of advertiwing. The emphasis os on real-world-design
experiments. 2. to prepare the students for employment in the field of advertising, and commercial art. 3. develop
skills using the basic tools in advertising. Control of these is essential in ensuring quality production 4. to acquire
skills and knowledge in design, art production and advertisng layout, and desktop publishing
Specific Objectives 5.
develop refinement skills through--visual outputs on concept, roughs, semi-compres 6. learn the use and techniques of
the various graphics and illustrative projects as well as different media for production of final comprehensive layouts for
ad campaign. 7. develop effective communication skills for the visual presentation of their ad campaign proposal.
Requirements 1.Attendance will be checked regularly. It is the policy of the teacher that attendance is broadly
defined as both physical and mental attendance. Therefore, students who choose to read unrelated materials or talk about unrelated
matters are considered not attending class. 2. Prescribed School Uniform and Shoes during regular semester, the student
is required to come to class wearing the prescribed school unifrom and shoes. 3. Active Class Participation and Assignments/Projects/Educational
Field Trips student is expected to actively participate in class discussions and activites. He/she will encouraged to
ask questions and/ or share ideas to the class. Assignments/plates are submitted and graded. 4. Quizzes and Examinations.
Quizzes will be announced. Examinations will be given according to academic schedule.
5. Plates and other requirements must be submitted on designated time and date.
of Instruction -Lectures/Discussions -Immersion thru readings,
understanding and answering-answer sheets provided for a particular topic for the day of week -Individual Assignments
-Reseach and Oral Reports
Periodical Exams Quizzes Written Projects Class Participation
Grading Scale 95-100 1.0---------
superior 90-91 1.5 -------- very good 92- 94 1.25 88-89 1.75 85-87 2.0 ---------- good 80-81 2.5--------
fair 82-84 2.25 78-79 2.75
75-77 3.0 ---------barely satisfactory below 74 5.0--------- failure
Prelim Product Image Refinement of the Book (Thesis 1) Studies on the visuals:
concept, roughs, semi-compres
Midterm The Advertising Campaign Outdoor Advertisng -poster -billboards
(tri-visions, rolltex, tarps, signages, conventional ) Broadcast Advertising -radio ad (script and music/sound) -television
commercial (jingle and storyboard for 15,30, & 60 sec.) Collateral materials (below the line ad materails) -brochures
-leaflets -pop (point-of-purchase materials---bunting, shelf- talker,dangler,mobile, counter displays....)
Thesis Deliberation
Eastern University
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts
Course Syllabus
Course Title ------ Advertising
CourseCode------ ADV MAR
Section------------ FA42, FV0441
Rm------------------- 804 IARFA bldg.
Class Sched-----
TF 12-1:30, 1:30-3
Term---------------- 2nd
Sem CY 2007-2008
The course
covers the introduction to marketing systems-its nature, elements, gives introduction on what “marketing really is”.
Includes the Product in its development process, channels of distribution, promotional mixes, with emphasis on advertising.
Also includes an overview on consumer education within the Philippine context , and the global marketing.
At the of the
semester, the students are expected to:
1. acquire
knowledge and understanding on “what marketing really”. And its relation to advertising, and promotion
2. consider
and observe current trends in contemporary marketing and advertising
3. encourage
students creativity in developing advertising and promo ideas that is anchored on “values”, and not just to sell
and make profit
4. understand
that marketing and advertising are indespensible tools in the field of selling goods, products and ideas.
5. learn of
the other tools for marketing, including the promotional mixes, and elements involved
6. acquire
and demonstrate values, positive ideas, and attitude as a channel to preserve society from degeneracy in this contemporary
world of consumerism, brought about but the various influences and one of the major is the media.
Requirements 1.Attendance will be checked regularly. It is the policy of the teacher that attendance
is broadly defined as both physical and mental attendance. Therefore, students who choose to read unrelated materials or talk
about unrelated matters are considered not attending class. 2. Prescribed School Uniform and Shoes during regular semester,
the student is required to come to class wearing the prescribed school uniform and shoes. 3. Active Class Participation
and Assignments/Projects/Educational Field Trips student is expected to actively participate in class discussions and
activities. He/she will encouraged to ask questions and/ or share ideas to the class. Assignments/plates are submitted and
graded. 4. Quizzes and Examinations. Quizzes will be announced. Examinations will be given according to academic schedule.
Methods of
Instruction -Lectures/Discussions -Immersion thru readings,
understanding and answering-answer sheets provided for a particular topic for the day of week -Individual Assignments
-Reseach and Oral Reports
Periodical Exams Quizzes Written Projects Class Participation
Grading Scale 95-100 1.0---------
superior 90-91 1.5 -------- very good 92- 94 1.25 88-89 1.75 85-87 2.0 ---------- good 80-81 2.5--------
fair 82-84 2.25 78-79 2.75
75-77 3.0 ---------barely satisfactory below 74 5.0--------- failure
1. Ruby F. Almira-Mutya “Elements of Marketing”
3rd ed. 2000 National Bookstore Mandaluyong
2. Josiah Go “Contemporary Marketing Strategies
in the Philippine Setting 1993 Philippine marketing Assoc.
3. Paco Underhill “Why we Buy”
Simon and Schuster NY 1999
4. “Art and Advertising” Bk2 Anvil Publishing Inc 2000 Philippines
The Marketing
System, its Nature, and Elements
Analysis of
The P's of
Dimensions of Marketing
Market Concept
vs. Selling Concept
The Product,
Planning and Development
Why Products
Fail and its Possible Solution
The Market
and The Promotional Mixes
Oral and Individual
Reports on the following:
Positioning, Brand, Packaging, Label and its Types, New Product development strategy , The Patent
Law, Trademark, Trade name, Service mark law, Copyright law, Intellectual property code, Pricing: objectives and price
determination, Consumerism, Consumer's cooperative....
The Buying
Preview on
Trends in Global Marketing
Review on Values/Ethics/Principles
on Advertising
Exercises---download and submit on tuesday Dec.5, 06
Part l
A. Identify the marketing organizations for the following products:
Products Marketing
1. Nido full cream powdered milk _______________
2. Sarsi Softdrink ________________
3. Mr.Clean Detergent Bar ________________
4. Cloud 9 Chocolate
5. Close-up toothpaste
B. Identiry one product, (either brandname or product type)
marketed ny the following organizations:
1. Unilever
2. Carlifornia Mfg. Corp ___________________
3. Nestle, Philippines
4. Watsons
5. Colgate-Palmolive
C. Describe briefly the target market characteristics of the following
Market Characteristics
1. Braces on teeth
2. Health Insurance ________________________
3. Refrigerators _________________________
4. Second car in the family ________________________
5. Infant formulas
Part ll. Make a list of all the sales promotions devices that you observed in each store below. Analyze
which of these devices do you think is effective?
1. Supermarket:
a. ______________________
b. ________________________
2. Department store:
a. ________________________
3. Drug store:
4. Specialty Store:
Part lll. Public relations objectives should be in writing. Construct a one-sentence statement of objectives
to convince that your food chain company is a good citizen of the community.